Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Flood!

Ok, so I just got done reading Genesis 6 where God called Noah to build the ark. Wow, what an amazing task that was at hand for Noah. This reading really hit home with me today. As we think about Noah and all that he did with the ark. Noah was a farmer by trade as scripture says that he was "a man of the soil." I often wonder what it must have been like in the town that Noah lived in. It was probably a lot like the town that I live in (Fluvanna), small town where things are pretty simple but the people who live here are complex and do a variety of things with their lives. People who live here are doctors, lawyers, construction workers, school teacher, preachers, and students in school. I cannot help but to wonder how it must have been as people began to talk about what Noah was building. The people must have laughed and hurled jokes at him, but Noah continued to build until one day it started to rain (man I was able to fit that in again). That's how it is in our lives we go different places and do different things and people may laugh at us or hurl jokes at us because we are Christians, but I believe that if we live out our faith like we are called to do in the book of Hebrews then people will start to catch on and the explosiveness of Christianity will spread like wild fire. I believe that for far too long we (including me) have said and acted one way on Sunday and then go and do what we want to do every other day of the week. I believe that some people think that it's alright to do what you want during the week, when I believe that if we are "souled" out to Christ that it would effect every aspect of our lives. I don't know maybe I'm on my soap box but I am ready for people to be what they say. If you are not a Christian and you live and say that then I have no problem with that, at least I know who and what you are and have a starting point to work with you, but people who claim to be Christ followers and yet don't even begin to TRY to act like it something is wrong with that. I don't know let me know what you think!

Trying to Grow with You,

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Garden

Ok before I get started let me give you the prayer request from yesterday.
1. Kayla get her stitches out on Wednesday.
2. That all will have a good week at school.
3. Irene would catch up in her school work.
4. Allison to bring her civic grade up.
5. Brian would continue to heal.
6. More students would come to H2O.

Ok so let me start by saying again it has been a while since I wrote. As most of you know I am going to read through this Bible that I have had for some time called The Bible for Personal Revival, so last night I went home and read chapter 3 of Genesis (yes only one chapter for personal study) which by the way I have had a difficult time taking any time for personal study lately because I am doing so much at Church no excuses (sorry). So chapter 3 is all about how Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree then God came and found them and they were thrown out of the Garden forever. It became apparent to me last night that due to this sin and man becoming sinful all of the trouble (rain) we face in life (if you don't get the rain comment, come to H2O), is because we are sinful. I cannot stop thinking about what the Garden must have been like. Can you imagine walking with God and Him being in you presence to walk and talk with just like your best friend or your wife or husband? This must have been awesome. If I had to guess I would say that the Garden must be a lot like heaven. Where everything is living in perfect harmony where there are no cares at all and where everything is in the very presence of God where He would walk and talk with His creation. Wow, what an amazing thing this must have been. I can't wait to get to heaven to see this! But I realize that because I'm still alive and writing this that God must have more for me to do here on Earth. As Paul would say "to live is Christ, to die is gain."
