Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Genesis 12:10-20

I read this today about Abram and Sarai going to Egypt and Abram tells Sarai to tell the Egyptians that he is her brother so they will treat him well. So this is what she does and sure enough the Egyptians treat him well because of her then Pharaoh takes her as his wife and "serious diseases" we inflected on Pharaoh because of this. So Pharaoh tells Abram and Sarai to leave with everything that they have. To me I see it interesting to see that even Abram had a sin that nagged at him. He had this problem with dishonesty and we would see it continue down his family line. It's funny how we as people look at everyone different once we know what their sin is. We will find some way to make someone else's sin a lot worse than our very own. I believe that part that we fail to realize is that it is not our job to judge in the first place, but it is our job to forgive. I have said this before but let me reiterate why is it that the thing we are to have a part in (forgiveness) we want no part of, and the thing that God says have nothing to do with (judgement) we want to do all the time. I hope today that you will look at your life and see what you are doing. Are you doing the thing God calls you to do? or are you doing the very thing that God says is not your job?


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