Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Time

I have taken a hard look at my life over the last couple of weeks. I have decided that I and we (as people) allow a lot of things to distract us from what is really important in life. Over the last couple of weeks I have taken notice that I stay up way to late at night, then go to bed and not want to get up in the morning until the kids get out of bed, then head off to the office or what ever the day ahead has in store, get the kids off the bus, spend some time with the kids, fix dinner, help with the kids until dinner, go to a night appointment for church or do some office stuff from home, then watch TV or play Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 (yes I have both consoles but this is not a blog about wasting money). I feel as if I have become complacent with God. Maybe to say it in better terms I have become lazy in my relationship with God. I continue to read the scripture and pray but just because that's what I'm suppose to do, not because of His love for me or my gratitude towards God. I write all of this for you to read because I want to be real. I want the the people that I work with or the students that look up to me to know that, in the words of Steve Harvey "Don't trip He aint done with me yet!" I thank God each and everyday for continuing to use me. The only reason God continues to use is because of His love and grace. Colossians 1:25 "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness". I pray that God will lead me in a spiritual revival of myself in order that I might be able to present the word of God in its fullness. I have decided that I will no longer stay up late and let the distractions of this world keep me from REALLY spending time with God. I thank God each day that He aint done with me yet!

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