Thursday, September 18, 2008

The God of the Universe cares for me?

Matthew 8:23-27; Matthew 6:25-34
Let me just say that after reading a chapter in Mark Atteberry's book "Free Refill", I have been officially challenged. All to often in my life, I find things going just great then it seems as if everything goes sour quick. I've been a little stressed lately with lots of work stuff going on, and some other things that are going on that are just putting me under a lot of stress, not to mention my lack of ability to say "no" to people, which continues to fill my calendar. Let me just say that as far as the ability to say "no" to people I am getting better. It just seems as if life continues to beat me and people in general up. I believe this has a lot to do with the way that we read our Bibles and our view of God at different points in our lives. Let me explain what I mean.

First, I believe that we feel a lot more stress or the stress that we feel is a lot more consuming due to the lack of scripture that we are currently taking into our lives. So yes you can make the obvious connection. There has not been a lot of time for Chris to do personal study therefore it has not been done. The crazy part is that I've been in my Bible a lot, but the key is that its to write some lesson or answer a question for someone, I have not taken the time as "religiously" as I should to sit down and read the scriptures for my own good. Which for me as a minister is a slippery slope because after a day I can look back and feel like all I've done is read the Bible but in reality, I've done nothing for my own spiritual growth.

Second, I believe that the second things that adds to our stress level is our view of God. Now let me just say that I know who God is and I believe that He is the perfect creator who is continually in control of my life and sent Jesus His one and only son to this earth to die for my sins, and through belief, confession, repentance, baptism, and living a faithful life I can be assured of the eternal promise of heaven. I say all that to say that sometimes we forget just what all that means and stands for. Next time you get a chance google pictures of the earth from space and realize that you are one the earth somewhere. Then google pictures of the milky way galakcy which earth, sun, and moon are a part of are realize that somewhere in that galaxy is our earth and somewhere on that earth is you. The God who created all that in it's perfect way, even knows the very number of hairs on your head. That's the God that you and I serve and love, and we allow a little stress at work to bother us. God can make sure that our galgacy is perfectly created and functioning in its own special way, that same God is there to take care of you and I and as stated in Matthew 8 calm the storms of our lives.

So, I believe it's time that we turn back to the scripture and make reading God's word a daily ritual, and please remeber that this plea is coming from a man who struggles with this himself. It's also time that we take a look at how big God is and how much he cares for each one of His creations (which is us by the way).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Is this me?

Isaiah 26:9

Ok, today's thought should be kinda brief but I believe that you will get the point and this should be challenging at least it was to me as I read this on my daily Bible box of my Facebook.

Isaiah 26:9--"My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness."

Wow, do I yearn for God? Does my spirit long for God? Well I can answer that question quite simply as NO, not always. Here is where I am, yes sometimes I am really on fire for God and I believe that I yearn and long for God, but I'm not always like that. I know that this may be hard to read, it's even hard to write that I'm not always sitting in my office reading my Bible and praying, or seeking some lost person out to share the gospel with them. I know where this comes from. Sin has completely destroyed our relationship with God who is Holy and perfect, therefore because we continue to look to the world to provide some since of satisfaction or excitement then we fail to yearn and long after God. Now by no means am I saying that God is not satisfying or exciting, I believe that there is nothing more satisfying or exciting than God to our spirit, but so often we allow our flesh to think for us.

Ok, on to the second part of the verse, not much to say about this. When God's judgements come to the earth then we definitely learn righteousness. We don't always like learning righteousness and it doesn't always put us in a great position but it is righteous none the less.

So today this verse has turned into a prayer for my life, that my soul would yearn for God today, and that my spirit would long for God as well. I guess this could be a prayer for each and every day that the yearning and longing would continue to grow stronger and stronger.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Magic with a Message

Matthew 14:22-33

Ok, so it's been a while since I wrote but summer is officially over and it's time for me to get back on track.

I like to do this thing called "magic with a message". "Magic with a Message" is a magic show with a little gospel message that goes along with each trick or illusion. Let me just say that there have been some who tried to copy this show (DAVE McCants tries to do something called Inspirational Illusions). One of the only illusions that I know and my favorite is a card trick where I turn all of the cards into the five of hearts, well it seems that way at least. "What does this have to do with God,?" you ask. Well here it is, sometimes I feel as if God is no where around. Have you ever felt like that? I know that He is always right here with me but sometimes it feels as if God is no where to be found. I realize that it is my own sinful depravity that makes me feel this way and it is only because I have stepped away from God for a few moments. That it is because I have chosen not to seek God at that time in my life. I couldn't help but to think about Matthew 14 where Jesus comes to the disciples on the water and Peter gets to walk on water. You remember the story I'm sure. As Jesus walks out to the boat which is being tossed in the storm the disciples are scared because that believe that they are seeing a ghost. Then Jesus tells them "It is I" which after reading a commentary or two and looking at the original Greek I see that this statement that is used "it is I" is the same phrase which literally means "I AM". Sometimes I believe that you and I get mixed up and don't realize that God is with us each moment of our lives. It is not just some illusion. Jesus didn't just tricked us and say He would be there but he really isn't. Jesus comes to you and I in our times when we look out into our world and lives and say "Jesus is it really you?" Jesus speaks back to us and say "IT IS I!" Jesus wants to be with us, will we let Him in the boat?