Sunday, June 10, 2007

First Time!

Well, this is my first post ever to a blog, I guess you could say that I'm diving in! A few weeks ago I didn't even know what a blog was. So now that I am up on technology, I will be updating regularly so that you the people and the students of my Church know what is going on in my life and the life of our student ministry! I hope that you enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris!!
Why is there a picture of a guy jumping off a diving board??? just wondering!!

Anonymous said...

hey, this needs some work! Anyways for your first time it's okay... okay will have a good week,

Chris said...

The guy jumping off the diving board is me jumping into blogging!

It looks good and you know.

Hey guys thanks for writing if you see anything that it needs to help you stay in the know let me know!


Anonymous said...

Okay can we get pictures of us?? just wondering