Thursday, April 17, 2008

Matthew 7:13-23

In this passage we read about "The Narrow Gate." I really like what the NLT (New Living Translation) says "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way." I believe that all to often we fail to see hell as a real place. We like to tell ourselves that "everyone is good and that all people are going to heaven, especially because we have a loving God." Let me just be honest with you for a second, not everyone is going to heaven, and the God that I serve has made it quite clear that if YOU chose to disobey Him then hell is a very real place of torment and that will be your eternal destiny if YOU so chose. I believe that part that we get wrong all to often is that we would rather be the judge than the servant. It amazes me that we as humans feel that we can judge someone else, when most of the time we are not even close to doing what we ourselves are suppose to be doing. Pretty funny when you think about it! God has asked that we "love one another". Its funny that the thing that God says we have not part in (judging people) we want the biggest part of and the thing that God says we are to do (love one another) we want no part of. I have come to the conclusion that we are completely messed up!!!!!

IN HIM <><

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